Salongo Stylist Terms of Service

Revised 2-22-2021

1. Usage of site

By creating a stylist listing account on's site, you agree to the following: All content on the Salongo is owned, controlled or licensed by or to Salongo and is protected by trade dress, copyright, patent and trademark laws, and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Site and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed in any way (including "mirroring") to any other site or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without Salongo's express prior written consent. You may use information on Salongo products and services purposely made available by Salongo for downloading or receiving from the Site, provided that you (1) not remove any proprietary notice language, (2) make no modifications to any such information, and (3) not make any additional representations or warranties relating to such documents.

2. Maintaining Good Standing

Your licensing with your respective state board of cosmetology or similar department through your state's department of commerce or state must be maintained and active while being listed or engaging in booking or financial transactions on Salongo. Failure to renew or keep licensing in good standing will result in your account being un-listed on the site and pending bookings or transactions being held for processing. If there is unforseen circumstances or temporary issues with your certification, be sure to contact Salongo so that we may make arrangements with your account. Stylist agrees to maintain their licensing with their respective state board governing issuance of such.

3. Salongo Brand Ambassador

Salongo provides booking and payment services for customers to employ the services of certified, at home or mobile stylists. We take great care to build a degree of confidence in clients that stylists listed on our site are certified and professional in their service. As such, stylists agree that while arranging booked appointments, providing services to clients through Salongo, they agree to a professional set of standards and conduct to not only create the best mobile stylist experience to their clients, but also reflective on the Salongo brand and consumer confidence. We provide the ability for users and stylists to rate their experiences, and provide feedback to Salongo. On our review of feedback, we may reach out to customers or stylists to assist in any issue situations. Just as stylists agree to professional and safe conduct on bookings, so customers must also agree to a professional and safe conduct. Failure to act professionally and safely may result in suspension of either a stylist or a user, depending on Salongo's examination of complaints or situations. Stylist agrees to be held to professional standards and conduct, to maintain the safety of themselves, their clients, and assumes sole liability in failure to do so.

4. Covid/Health

Due to the increasing need of health safety in service settings, it is expected the Stylist maintains their local or state health guidelines during performance of service. Stylist agrees to adhere to all health policies and best practice guidance during the Covid-19 health situation.

5. Liability & Services

Stylist and client agrees to hold Salongo Inc, and harmless and not liable on any issues not related to the financial and booking service provided by Salongo. Stylist agrees that they provide services as independent contractors and not as employees to Salongo. All taxes and financial responsibilities as contractor and self employed services are maintained by the stylists themselves. Any damages incurred during fulfillment of client appointments are the sole responsibility of the stylist or client.

6. Billing and banking

Stylist agrees to process payments through our trusted and industry standard partner, Stripe. Salongo facilitates limited account payment services through Stripe so that stylists may receive payouts from client payments of services. Stylist is solely responsibile for accounting, financial and legal requirements for payments as an independent contractor or self employed service provider. Credit transactions outside of the immediate split payout from Salongo are the responsibility of the stylist and their bank or credit insitution.

7. Taxes and Tips

Stylist agrees to be solely responsibile in tip and payment reporting for taxes.

8. Terms of Service Updates

This Terms of Service agreement for Stylists on Salongo has been updated on February 22, 2021. Stylist agrees to be required on occasion to agree to updates of Terms of Service in the future, and agrees that any pending or future bookings or transactions are to be understood to operate under changed Terms of Service at that point in time and not the previous version.